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Zaneeka Hill

Big Things Require Big Support!!

Heyyyy!! I know its late but I wanted to share this with you tonight!

From the moment I knew God called me into ministry, I have remained committed to that "yes". I love that I get to serve women and some men lol! It is my passion and purpose to see that women have the tools, resources and everyday essentials that are needed to become the greatest version of themselves.

I truly believe there is greatness in each of us but there are also tangible and intangible hinderances that interfere with us operating in that greatness. Which in turns affects our quality of life, our families, communities and world.

This is why I established my non-profit organization Beautiful Life Ministries Inc. to meet those needs!

God is extending my reach and I could really use your support! In my prayer time God reminded me that I don't have to do this alone.

I have this audacious faith goal of 200 partners giving $100 to our non-profit organization over the next 20 days to support our efforts as our reach extends to more women.

I need and would love your support on this one!

Here's how you can support

  1. Pray for us to meet this goal

  2. Give what you can ( giving information on the flyer below)

  3. Share with others

Thank you so much

Your love and support is most appreciated!


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