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NOW is the time to unreservedly launch out and dominate in the realm of your purpose and calling." 

iEdify 2022 Recap




iEdify Womens Summit is an annual curated experience for women of faith who desire growth and transformation. That reflects from the inside - out


 Women who value applicable interactive teaching, genuine sisterhood and a good time that gives you a moment to catch your breathe from the high demands of life which produces momentum in every area of your life!


iEdify  focuses on 5 key thriving areas -Thriving mentally, physically, spiritually, financially and in community with other women.

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What to Expect

  • Powerful interactive and engaging session speakers on various topics that will help you transform your life from the inside out. 


  • A time of relaxation, self reflection, and self care.


  • Belly aching laughs, a good two step and maybe some much needed tears.


  • Genuine Community with like-minded and like hearted women 


  • Prizes and Giveaways


  • A powerful word of God and a night of worship 


  • An Unforgettable Experience 

Our Weekend Plans

Thursday October 12th

"Your Day"

It's ALL about You!


A day set aside just for YOU!


Take a day for self care, uninterrupted rest or a much needed ladies day out. 




Enjoy a evening private meet and greet group dinner with the host of iEdify, Zaneeka.


*Elite dinner cost is the not included in the ticket cost all attendees will be responsible for cost of their dinner.

Friday, October 13th 

"Power Morning Sessions" 

10am - 1pm* 


Morning Session activities & speakers, and giveaways.


"Launch Night" - VIP Attendees

7:30pm - 10pm 


Evening Cocktail Ball 

Dressed in our "Pop of Color" - (use the website/flyer for inspo) Bold and Beautiful

 cocktail attire we will indulge in an elegant evening of fun, food and fueling!


Dinner will be served

Saturday, October 14th

Morning "Fit Mind & Body" Session

7:30am - 8:30am 



8:30am - 9:20am 

Group Workout


"Main Day Conference"

10am - 4pm

Full day of power packed 

speakers, community, and giveaways.

"Night of Worship"

7pm - 9pm

A night of intimate worship and a powerful word.

iEdify 2023 SPEAKERS

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A Message from Zaneeka

Host and Founder of iEdify 

Hey Sis! I am super excited about you being apart of iEdify 2023 " Launch"!  I cant wait to dance, laugh, grow, take much needed deep breaths that may lead to some much needed tears, and have "aha" moments that change everything, with you!


Beyond all the excitement there is this unyielding anticipation of  what we will experience when we come together.


I can NOT put into words this feeling, but I am soo committed to leaning into it, so that my team and I can curate the genuine atmosphere needed for us to launch together! 


Its time for us to take off the limitations (what ever they may be for you) and burst through glass ceilings that we're only created for us to shatter! There is power in numbers so LETS DO THIS!


I believe in who God has created you to be and what He has called you to do. See you soon! 



Hotel Accommodations 

Hyatt Regency - Dallas Texas

Discounted rates start at $199.00 / night 

* group discounted rate ends on 09.30.23 
Credit Card needed to reserve stay
Payment is due at the time of check in 

Hyatt Regency is located in the heart of downtown Dallas Texas next to the Dallas landmark Reunion Town. Hyatt Regency is conveniently located in walking distance from restaurants and other tourist attractions.

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Payment plan available
3 Bi-weekly
Payments of $89

Elite Private Group Meet and Greet Dinner with the Host of iEdify 

Elite Access to iEdify 2023

Admission to VIP Private "Launch" Evening Ball

Elite VIP Priority Event Seating

Elite VIP Priority Entry

Elite VIP Premium Gift ($100 value)

Entered to win prizes and giveaways

Access to Hotel Discounted rate + all other discounts


*Elite dinner cost is the not included in the ticket cost all attendees will be responsible for the cost of their dinner.



All Access to iEdify 2023

Admission to VIP Private  "Launch" Evening Ball

VIP Priority Event Seating

VIP Priority Entry

VIP Premium Gift 

Entered to win prizes and giveaways

Access to Hotel Discounted rate + all other discounts



Full Day Entry to iEdify 2023 " Main Day" Conference + “Night” Session

iEdify 2023 Gift

Entered to win prizes and giveaways

Access to Discounted hotel rates + all other discounts

And much more!

Ticket Policy: Once purchased this is your event ticket. Ticket holders must present their tickets on entry. You can either print your ticket or present this digital version. You can find all the details about this event on our website. Due to the nature of the event tickets are non refundable but are transferrable up until 48hrs prior to the conference date. If you have any questions, issues or need to process a transfer for the ticket please contact We are looking forward to seeing you!

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